I’m still in complete disbelief that I was able to make this happen. Dealing with USB stuff is always a rabbit hole of nonsense, but alas, Jumperless can now save you $2 on one of those little FTDI USB-Serial boards.
150 or so more updates and this thing will pay for itself!
Anyway, now it shows up as 2 USB CDC devices, the lower numbered port is the Jumperless itself, the higher numbered one is a USB-UART bridge that you can route anywhere on the board. Here’s a guide for the logic analyzer part in Wokwi now:
You’ll need to short the protection resistors I put on there to get this to work with 5V parts. Here’s where they are:
Now you can just choose the higher numbered port in Arduino IDE and it can flash code to the arduino with only 1 USB cable plugged into the Jumperless. When it gets the first byte from avrdude (0x30), it knows you’re trying to use it this way and it’ll pulse the Nano’s reset line low before passing along whatever it sees on that USB port.
Or you can use it to talk to anything on the breadboard that uses UART, just connect to “Jumperless (Port 2)” in your favorite terminal emulator (I personally use Serial 2 on MacOS, but anything will work.)
Let me know how the new update works for you.