Sick idea with the forum, I could use some resources to get started with the board! Have you considered also offering a Discord server for quick and easy community-access? Pretty much everyone in the age group of 16 to 30 with an interest in the Jumperless breadboard will already have a Discord account and they will be able to instantly join the community with two clicks.
plus, creating a Discord server only takes a couple of minutes and it’s free
If you need help with the Discord setup, feel free to hit me up, I have experience with creating community servers.
I did consider Discord, and it’s probably good idea to add that as well. The reason I went with the forum is that answers to questions stay up and get indexed by Google. So when you’re troubleshooting you can just word-vomit your problems into Google and hopefully the answer will come up here.
And you say you needed some resources to get started. If you wouldn’t mind posting whatever you need help with in the Help category, we can get the ball rolling on having a nice public library of answered questions for others to read through.
Okay here’s the Discord server invite link. But I’d like to encourage people to try to keep things that may be useful to future people here, just so they’ll be able to find answers to their issues.
I’ve seen my share of tech support Discord servers and it just turns into an absolute mess (Wokwi’s Discord is a perfect example of that.)
Yes. Search Engine indexing is a way good point that Discord lacks. I agree, let’s keep the discussion here. I am moving in a few months so I haven’t had a lot of time to play around with the board. I managed to connect it in USB-mode, downloaded and flashed the latest firmware, reconnected and then stopped.
I wasn’t sure on how to do the wowki setup since I have never used it. It’s basically an ATmega controller right? So would it be possible to make it show up in the Arduino IDE as a connected microcontroller? I would love to send commands over the Serial Port and observe what happens on the board. If I can plug an LED in and then make it light up through a resistor just by manually creating wires by sending commands like “connect row 3 to row 9” or “measure resistance between 46 and 12”
Basically each of the 60 rows has its own identity and I can say which two rows should be connected in which way / or disconnected
I didn’t find any info on this in the documentation but then again I am mainly a software developer so I am not knowledgeable enough about the electronics and microcontroller stuff. I still love tinkering with electronics it’s just too complicated sometimes, the best I ever did was etching my own PCBs to make an ATtiny85 programmer but it didn’t work and I couldn’t find the mistake
Long story short, I might need to give it a few months to focus on my real life but I bought it so I am gonna use it
Start here and let me know if you have trouble with any of these steps
For sending it commands via serial, you absolutely can. The bridge app opens a serial terminal (Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Mac) that is talking directly to the RP2040 on the Jumperless.
The syntax for that is just:
f < enter > //to tell it to receive a preformatted list of nodes to connect
then you can just enter connections like:
1-b1, 5-25, SUPPLY_5V-b18, GND-17, < enter > //and it will make those connections (clearing the previous ones first)
(‘b’ is for bottom row, you can also just add 30, so b1 == 31)